Sunday, July 29, 2007

Pretty Flutterby

Hubby take pretty picture!

Friday, July 6, 2007


I'm still a dope when it comes to how much yarn is in the ball and how far will it go. I don't know anyone personally who knits and being disabled I can't really pop out to knitting groups, and we don't have a local yarn store. So there you are, I'm learning as I go.

The problem is I'm 3/4 done with my latest bath mitt and it's looking good. I used Knit Picks Shine and at this point I can't ignore that I will run out of yarn. I really thought one ball of yarn should make one mitt. I just can't bring myself to crack open another ball for one mitt. Cheap I am! With a ball of Lily Sugar and Cream I've made two mitts and am now knitting a dishcloth. I just couldn't ignore the economics, even though the yarns are quite different.

So I bought some SandC and will try the pattern on the ball band since this yarn doesn't really do ribbing.

Speaking of dishcloths - Dishcloth Boutique

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Time Warp Again

What happened? Sometimes I lose a few weeks, zing, it feels like only a day has passed.

Knitting along I have been on a quest for a nice bath mitt pattern; I'm thinking Christmas. First was the one mentioned previously from the book One-Skein Wonders. Then I made some simple adjustments and made the one pictured. It's better but improvements can still be made.

Now before I get to work making changes I come across a pattern over a Plymouth Yarn with many of these features in place. So I'm now knitting this one up with a few size adjustments. I'm close now I can feel it, bath mitt joy is eminent.